2024-25 Competition season
Dates and locations for the following events will be finalized this fall.
- August 24th: Parent Meeting (mandatory) 4:30 - 6:30 at Shepherd of the Hills
- August 25th: Season Begins
- August 31st - Sept 1: Labor Day Weekend Holiday. NO PRACTICE
- Sept 3: Practice resumes after Labor Day Weekend Holiday
- Sept 7-8: Rising Stars camp at TWU in Denton for qualified swimmers
- Sept 11-15: USA Artistic Swimming Convention in Tempe, AZ (for coaches)
- Sept 29: Swimathon & Relay Fundraiser + Clothes Swap Event @ Westlake 5:00 - 6:30pm (Novice class stays until 6:30, everyone else arrive at 4:45)
- Oct 20: Athlete team meeting for Youth and Junior athletes
- October 24-27: Masters Nationals: October 19-23 in Clearwater, FL
- October 26: Spooky Figure Invitational/Grade Level Testing at Westlake (for all)
- Nov 2.: Guest speaker Lori Eaton for Youth and Junior swimmers 2:30-4:30.
- Nov 8-10: All Star Camp and Coaches College (Invited athletes only): in Charlotte, NC
- November 16: Figure and Element meet in Houston hosted by Synchrostars
- Nov 24-30: Thanksgiving Break - NO PRACTICE. (practice resumes on Dec 1st)
- Nov 25-Dec 3: Silent Auction
- Dec 1: practice resumes after Thanksgiving break.
- Dec 24-Jan 4: Winter Break: NO PRACTICE. (practice resumes on the 5th)
- Jan 5: Practice resumes after Winter Break
- Jan11-12: Guest Coach Inga Gillyer working with all age group athletes
- Jan 13: Spring Mandatory Parent Virtual Meeting - 7:30 - 9:00 pm
- **New date** Jan 19: Kick off the New Year Gift exchange (all swimmers) 5:30 - 6:30 at Westlake
- Feb 1: PTX Invitational (for Novice and 12U/Intermediate athletes)
- Feb 1-2: Heart of Texas Invitational at Westlake (for Youth and Junior athletes)
- Feb 28-Mar 2: South Zone Championships (Youth and Junior athletes only) in Lewisville, TX
- Mar 16-22: Spring Break - NO PRACTICE
- Mar 23: Practice resumes
- Apr 5-6 (Tentative) :South Texas Association Junior Olympic Age Group Championships and Novice & Intermediate Invitational (for all) at Westlake pool
- Apr 10-14: US Junior/Senior National Championships and National Team Trials in Greensboro, NC
- Apr 24-27: 12U and 13-15 Nationals and 13-15 Age Group National Team Trials in Geneva, OH
- May 9-11: (Tentative): South Zone Region C Junior Olympic Age Group Championships and Novice & Intermediate Invitational (for all) in Houston
- May 17-18: (Tentative): Worldwide Invitational for Intermediate athletes in Coral Springs, FL
- May 24-25: Memorial weekend - NO PRACTICE
- May 27: Practice resumes
- Jun 7: Team Banquet Lunch
- Jun 7: Annual Watershow Extravaganza: 7:30 PM
- Jun 2-Jul 5: National Junior Olympic Championships in Arlington, TX
- Jul 5-6: Independence Day Holiday - NO PRACTICE
- Jul 13-Aug 24: Summer Schedule - practices are on Sundays only
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