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Angelfish Teams

The Austin Angelfish offers training and practice groups for swimmers of all ages and ability levels. It is the goal of the Austin Angelfish to offer age specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging them and developing each individual to the best of their abilities.

The team offers competitive programs divided by age and skill level. The team currently has 47 swimmers ranging in age from 8-19. The age groups are 12 and under; 13-15; and 16-19.

  1. Beginner Class/Novice Team:  For swimmers ages 7-12, who are able to swim 25 yards each of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke without stopping and tread water for two minutes. You will learn basic synchro water skills and work on land core strength and flexibility. Beginner students have the option of joining our Novice team, which competes in Texas meets and also participates in our annual watershow.
  2. Intermediate Team: A great step for swimmers moving up from novice or newer swimmers who are not quite ready for older age groups. Focus is on skill development, team building, and having fun. Competitions for intermediate swimmers of all ages are in Texas with a year end competition in Florida.
  3. The 12 and under Team continues to focus on skill development and having fun. The 12 and under team competes in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Dallas. 12 and under swimmers can compete in the Novice, Intermediate or Age Group (Advanced) division, depending on skill level. Some swimmers may qualify for national competitions.
  4. Swimmers 13 and older continue to focus on skill development while adding conditioning, flexibility, routine composition and suit design. Athletes 13 and older compete across Texas and on a national level. Travel increases with each age group.

The Angelfish train and nurture young people to develop the confidence and poise necessary to become successful in all of their endeavors.

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For More Information

To join beginner classes or the Austin Angelfish team, please email Cheryl Cook, Head Coach at [email protected]

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